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Ross Petty Mailing List - Oct. 17, 2007

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy year preparing for our 12th season at Toronto's Elgin Theatre where my friend Kurt Browning, skater extraordinaire, will play Peter Pan... a role he was born for. I'm really excited to have Kurt in the show...we've talked for years about doing something together, but the winter was always his busiest time with all his ice shows. However Kurt also realized that the boy who never grew up was a perfect fit, and he made room in his schedule to accommodate 53 shows at Yonge and Queen Streets.

Susan Schulman is one of my oldest and dearest friends, and when Ted Dykstra wasn't available to direct Peter Pan, I called Susan on the off-chance she might be at liberty. Well she wasn't, but having loved seeing our shows over the years, and for old time's sake, she re-arranged her schedule.

Susan and I first worked together in New York in 1977 when she directed her first musical "Carnival", and hired me as her leading man. Susan went on to direct several Broadway musicals, most recently Little Women starring Maureen McGovern and Sutton Foster, and here at Ontario's Stratford Festival, she's directed many of the big musicals, most notably Fiddler on the Roof with Brent Carver. Soon after finishing Peter Pan, she'll return to Stratford to direct The Music Man.

Over the years, we've shot 4 of our productions for television...all on CTV. With last year's Aladdin, we did our first deal with CBC, and you'll see the results of that shoot on Thursday December 13, 2007. Make sure you tell all your friends across the country about the show, so they can enjoy the adventures of Bret "Hitman" Hart, Jennifer Dale, Derek McGrath (from Little Mosque on the Prairie), Jamie McKnight, and yours truly. If you like the program, it wouldn't hurt to drop a note to your local CBC station saying so.

We go into rehearsals next week for Peter Pan, and it'll be a concentrated 4 weeks. We look forward to seeing you at the Elgin Theatre where the show begins on November 22, 2007 and runs through January 6, 2008. I can't wait to hear your boos of greeting!

I hope you like the new look of the website. And if you haven't already booked your tickets, I'd suggest moving quickly...everyone is very eager to see Kurt.

All good wishes...Ross Petty